This workshop introduces the learner to relevant topics related to power and sample size analysis. Each module features key concepts, guiding questions, and learning objectives organized into submodules.
The course is composed of multiple activities to reach the learning objectives, including video tutorials, quizzes, practice assessments, final assessments for each module, and power or sample size analysis problems.
Module 1: Introduction to Multilevel and Longitudinal Designs
Module 2: Foundations of Complex Multilevel and Longitudinal Designs
Module 3: Model Assumptions, Alignment, Missing Data, and Dropout
Module 4: Inputs to Analysis, Recruitment Feasibility, and Multiple Aims
Module 5: Ethics and Using Power and Sample Size Analysis to Get Funded
Lecture Notes
We provide access to all of our course presentation slides as a reference and for active note-taking. We strongly encourage students to print the slides and take notes while viewing the video lectures. This active learning strategy will assist you with mastering the learning materials and provide you notes after the conclusion of the course. All presentation notes are provided in PDF format for download.